Saturday, March 28, 2009


First off, this part of OKC didn't get much snow. Mostly just accumulation on cars and roofs.

We started with tunnelers which is always a fun way to start. It was a good run, so I imagine we Qd.

I did find out we were eliminated on our last run yesterday, so that makes me a little nervous. I don't know exactly why we got an E. We had a briefing this morning so it is one of two things. This judge doesn't allow treats in the run before you go in. Also he won't allow you to tell your dog to stay while you are leading out. Brad won't stay at a trial without that, so we'll have to do running starts all weekend. At least I found out first thing today. This is very different from any trial I've ever done, but we'll go with it!

We got first (OK, so we were the only dog...) In tunnelers. We just ran touch n go and it went well! Don't think I trained the start line.

Our run of bad regular courses continues. On the first run, he just wouldn't do the weaves. On the second, I saved him from nearly going off course only to turn my back and have him sneak back onto the A frame. We have two more shots at regular tomorrow. However, counting the runs tomorrow and the ones we'll have in April, we will only be able to do 9 runs before the Champs cut off. So, with only 150 points going into this weekend, we won't be able to get the points we need to enter regular at Champs. There has been some talk of the possibility of lowering the points requirement for Open dogs, but I am not counting on it. We can always try to enter special classes only and see if we can get in for those.

I forgot to mention that we did Q (1st place) in touch n go, so we got that title. That's 3 special classes we're eligible to do in Champs--hoopers, tunnelers, and touch n go.

Well, no Q in chances, as usual. There was a split second where I thought, "He's going to do it!" Then he came running right back to me, crossing the distance line. He did take the tunnel (and not the A frame) when I told him to, though!

The jumpers run was nice, but I should have known when I beat him ti the finish line that we wouldn't make time.

I noticed they were doing move ups in regular for tomorrow, so I asked if I could do a move down. I got a strange look, but they said yes, so tomorrow we'll be back in novice for regular. I also sent an email to ask them to move us down at the WAG trial next month. I'm wondering if I should have moved down in weavers, too. It's a hard decision, because that would be completely giving up on entering everything at Champs (just in case they lower the point requirements), but maybe we don't need to do weavers at Champs!!! Oh, well, I still have a day or two to decide.

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