Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A closer look: Regular Courses

OK, so at the very wise suggestion of our four legged friend Bailey, we are also going to do some posts to give more details about our courses. So, I figured a good place to start was with the regular course. A regular course is made up of jumps, tunnels, weaves, an A-frame, and a dog walk. In NADAC, we don't have teeters, tires, or tables, which was one of the things that first drew us to NADAC over other venues. Once we got started, we loved how laid back and friendly everyone in NADAC was. The hardest part of the regular courses for us these days is when they put a tunnel right under the dog walk, where the entry to the tunnel is right next to the ramp to the dog walk. One weekend (not very long ago), we didn't get our Q on three runs in a row, because somehow, I wasn't giving Brad the right signal. I spent some extra time in our next class working on it, and it paid off at our last trial. In the past, the weaves were our hardest thing. In novice we only had to do 6 weaves in a row, but now that we're in open, we have to do 12. The very last regular course we did, Brad argued with me on the weaves, and we didn't get the Q because we went over the time. Speaking of time, there is a Standard Course Time set for each dog size group (small-med-large). We're in the medium group. Since Braddock is a very tall mini schnauzer, we jump at 16". Most mini's jump at 12". I've attached a link to one of our decent regular course runs from youtube. You can see how those weaves used to give us problems!

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