Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nice long walk...

Brad and I made it for our walk tonight. Five miles! We met the cutest little girl schnauzer, Olive, who invited us to a schnauzer meet up. Unfortunately, it's Saturday morning and I'm working at my second job (trying to save up for Champs!!). Soaking my poor aching feet now. I wonder if B's feet get sore?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

And the training begins....

And, no, I'm not talking about regular ol' agility training! I decided that if I'm going to run longer courses, for five days in a row, I'd better hit the gym. Seriously. I met with a trainer today to work on legs. I just hope I can walk tomorrow! I'm supposed to meet with him again next Monday, but may have to delay that depending on whether our agility class is at 7:00 or 8:00 next week. We meet at different times depending on if we're doing stations or courses. If we do stations, both Monday classes come at 7:00 and work at the same time. For courses, we split into two, and our class is the later one.

And for tomorrow's workout? Just a simple walk with B-dog...if I can get out of bed. :)